Bugger bugger bugger.
I feel worse for my husband and his family than I do for myself!
We think we may go again in Jan, when DH has some holiday again.
Any other ideas?
Are there clinics that specialise in older ladies - should I be looking at them?
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
The 2ww

And so I am home and getting on with stuff
The doctor said to wait until 2 weeks after transfer. This seems a long time for a 5 day transfer and I've seen several others on those invaluable forums questioning it.
The egg will have been 14 days old yesterday, which would be the conventional time to test - 14dpo. Ovulation was at an odd time for our donor as her eggs were developing early and so they were aspirated at least 2 days before schedule. Whether this would make a difference, I don't know.
I've had the usual progesterone symptoms, sore boobs, bloating, tiredness and constipation. Although the latter became the opposite when I switched from 4 x 200 cyclogest to 2 x 400. Not sure whether this could have caused tummy upsets or whether it was the change in water or whether it was DH's fault (he had a bad tum for a day). It wouldn't be considered an optimistic sign for pregnancy.
I don't feel pregnant. But I've had 3 children and 2 other pregnancies before and can say, hand on heart, that each was an enormous disbelief. I didn't get any symptoms until week 6 in any of them.
So I'm going to POAS tomorrow. It will be only 2 days away from their suggestion and 3 days past the usual, so it should be accurate either way. If it's neg I will continue with the drugs till the recommended Sat and take one more test then (but that's more about doing the right thing than any forlorn hope).
Sorry if I sound a bit negative, but I've got to the stage of the 2ww where I can't allow myself to dare to hope.
Will let you know.
Tuesday 18th August - Last Day in Lviv
Did a lot of sightseeing again - day just as hot as yesterday.
Bought all the final pressies we needed to get. Even bought a couple of new hats (see above!)
Hand has now turned into small football, thanks to Mosquito.
Did lots of sightseeing and finally found the smiley lion that I have been searching for since arriving here - he was just opposite the Catholic Church.
Tried to have one last cup of choccy heaven - but machine not making milk choc only white AND I DON'T LIKE WHITE CHOCOLATE! Was ever a girl so cursed!
We dolled up again and strolled down Svobody Avenue, past the Opera House to the Hotel'Opera for what turned out to be the best meal we had since arriving.
Italian cuisine (and I do love Italian) and stunning views across the roof of the Opera House - recommend to anyone and everyone!
The pic here shows the statue on the Opera House at night - funny how the identical one on the other side had no sleeping birdies! Maybe birds of a feather really DO flock together.
Back to our apartment and pack for journey home tomorrow.
Monday 17th August - lovely day
Absolutely beautiful day!
Decided to paint today so went for walk to armoury.
On the way there found a book market. Couldn't find any good place to stop, so walked around town and had lunch (nice) in Casanova's.
Walked back to flat, had rest and then out to search for place to paint. Found heaven instead.
Bought loads.
Then went out on tour of area.
After snooze in flat, bloated with chocolate, we got dolled up and went to hotel'opera, but sadly rooftop restaurant closed (why?) and told to come back tomorrow.
Found nice place not far from where we were staying and had a good meal - am beginning to yearn for wine! It was such a beautiful Summer night - "a warm wind blowing the stars around" - and deeply romantic.
Back home to our apartment and bed. Mosquito bites starting to itch. Bastard.
Sunday 16th August - day of rest!
Tummy feeling tight all day. But otherwise fine. Had lunch in place at end of road, but found live insect in bread which put us off.
Discovered cafe right next to CAFE 1 was actually Wi Fi - so managed to look up a few burning questions. Had a very nice apple pie - my stay here was one of sweet to sweet!
Back in pain, but other than that, no symptoms at all. Just feel normal with a tight tummy. Oh and constipated - but have been ever since the progesterone (Cyclogest).
Night was grotty as got bitten by mosquito
Discovered cafe right next to CAFE 1 was actually Wi Fi - so managed to look up a few burning questions. Had a very nice apple pie - my stay here was one of sweet to sweet!
Back in pain, but other than that, no symptoms at all. Just feel normal with a tight tummy. Oh and constipated - but have been ever since the progesterone (Cyclogest).
Night was grotty as got bitten by mosquito
Saturday 15th August - D DAY
Up and more pain killers for back. Shower. Suddenly remember I had to have full bladder and time has got away - it's 12.15 and we have to be there for 1. Drink tea and pints of water.
Get to clinic with time to spare and have more to drink. Waited little while, then went up stairs with Lyucyna. Shown pleasant bedroom with 4 beds. All very clean and neat. Told to get into t shirt and slippers and wait. About ten mins later Lyucyna came and asked me to follow her. First went to small room where introduced to doc who was to do procedure. Then asked how many eggs to transfer and I asked about quality. Lyucyna ran off to ask doc. Came back and said doc suggests 3. So that was a complete change around for us!
Went to bright room with happy music and usual ominous gynae chair. Sat in it (full bladder now very full) and different doc did business. Lyucyna telling me all throughout. She also explained that there were 3 good blasties, but the rest were no good or slow and so none for frosties. She explained it was better to use all 3 now as there was no point in saving one - it was too likely not to make the frosting and defrosting.
They checked all 3 beans on board (ie not stuck in catheter) then I had to lay (!) still for 10 mins. Whole process completely painless, but bladder made it very uncomfortable. Lycyna then took me back to bedroom and told to lie down for one hour. Full bladder getting worse and worse. I was literally clock watching as the minutes went by - I couldn't concentrate on the book I'd brought as the urge to pee was terrible. There were other Ukrainian girls there, most donating eggs I'd guess. None spoke English, nearly all very pretty. I'd heard somewhere that Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful in the world and could see nothing to counter that.....although there is a marked gap between all the lovely stylish things and then Babooshkas! It's like they must metamorphose overnight!
Lyucyna ordered taxi and DH got more utrogestan. Went back and lay on bed for rest of day.
Friday 15th August - OH THE PAIN!
Got up and back went into spasm - this would be a combination of the muscle relaxant in Progesterone and a slightly softer bed ...and the fact that I get a bad back all the time! Felt sick and miserable and in a lot of pain. Lay on floor, then struggled back to bed. Watched Ukrainian tv. Quite good - loved the English Club - helped us learn some more Ukrainian. Pain killers kicked in and after few hours got up.
Walked slowly round new food market we found, very good. Bought a great nightie t shirt from there - will look like a giant bumble bee.
Later had meal in restaurant at end of road.
Also v good.

DH is thoroughly enjoying Lviv beers and has now discovered home made vodkas....

I am of course stuck with tea (but a lot of places here specialise in amazing teas - it goes hand in hand with the general coffee culture of the place (sadly lost on me, as I only drink decaf). I even managed to get my beloved rooibos and after a couple of tries got it unadulterated (why do shops assume it's better with vanilla - yuch). I can at least pork out on cake and chocolate and so I did! All the time!
Got news from home that our female cat, poppy, is pregnant! It's only taken her 2 years - which is mad for a cat. But she has given me renewed optimism for tomorrow.
After much discussion, we decide to go for 2 eggs, rather than 3. Triplets would be a terrible nightmare for me.
Walked slowly round new food market we found, very good. Bought a great nightie t shirt from there - will look like a giant bumble bee.
Later had meal in restaurant at end of road.

DH is thoroughly enjoying Lviv beers and has now discovered home made vodkas....

Got news from home that our female cat, poppy, is pregnant! It's only taken her 2 years - which is mad for a cat. But she has given me renewed optimism for tomorrow.
After much discussion, we decide to go for 2 eggs, rather than 3. Triplets would be a terrible nightmare for me.
Thursday 13th August - slow day

Phoned Intersono as requested. Asked to phone back 20 mis later. Got thru to Lyucyna and she told us all 9 eggs doing very well. She asked us to think about how many to put back – 2 or 3 (with risk of triplets). Really don't know. She also asked us to pay today or tomorrow – if Sat then it would have to be in cash – no way could we get that out of a cash machine here.
TIP - make sure you take your credit cards with you - their cash machines will only dispense about £200 at the most
So took life in hands again and took taxi (can't imagine how car managed to move as wing and a prayer clearly lost years ago). Got to clinic and Lyucyna as friendly as ever – discovered money owed less than we thought (1,400) due to having to pay in Hryvna (nice exchange rate I suppose). There were no hidden extras on the bill (ie icsi etc) just our blood tests, which we expected, which cost an extra fiver!

Evening spent at first restaurant we went.

Wednesday 12th August -

Up at usual 10.30AM. Body clock not yet adjusted to 2 hour time difference.

Tried again to find elusive tourist office.

Eventually found tourist office just round corner from our apartment.

After rest in apartment (and more rain), went to equally famous “Amadeus” restaurant two roads from apartment.

TIP 4: check your bills carefully.
Tuesday 11th August - Sightseeing
Here is the view from our window balcony down the road. You can see on the end we have a supermarket (the orangey cream building). Opposite that is a very nice little cafe/restaurant which we went to a couple of times. Further down into the next road there are more restaurants, but we didn't go to them - however parallel to that road is Amadeus, a very nice place to eat. Behind us is Rynok Square! So we couldn't be better placed for everything!
We went sight seeing again and tried unsuccessfullly to find a tourist information office and or phrase book (later discovered one literally round the corner). Bought Ukrainian/English dictionary which seems a little lacking in useful nouns. We found a wonderful art shop
(inspired having seen the outside of the Art Gallery - we never did get to go inside, but here's a pic!) and bought an oil painting that appealed to both of us. Cost about £35!
Excellent luch at Cafe 1
next to Boymes memorial on Kathedralna Plascha.
Do try to get inside to see this remarkable family tomb - magical! The Cafe was recommended to us and it was excellent. Cheese platter and anti pasti delicious (you say "smatchno" or if fantastic, "dooja smatchno"). Didn't want any more disgusting wine, but the waiter (who spoke some English) recommended a glass of white, which was very very good, like a Gewurztraminer.. DH got my red, which turned out to be a Rose!
TIP 1 - try to learn basic phrases like please, thank you, excuse me, how much etc in Ukrainian. The locals will be amused and appreciative (most of the time) - it also stops you looking like brash ignorant Englishman abroad.
The evening weather turned into light rain and we decided to stay in (see the wonderful staircase to our apartment) while DH made pasta and we watched some British tv on the laptop. DH got drunk on the strong Lvivskiye beer - most amusing.
Here is the view from our window balcony down the road. You can see on the end we have a supermarket (the orangey cream building). Opposite that is a very nice little cafe/restaurant which we went to a couple of times. Further down into the next road there are more restaurants, but we didn't go to them - however parallel to that road is Amadeus, a very nice place to eat. Behind us is Rynok Square! So we couldn't be better placed for everything!

Excellent luch at Cafe 1

TIP 1 - try to learn basic phrases like please, thank you, excuse me, how much etc in Ukrainian. The locals will be amused and appreciative (most of the time) - it also stops you looking like brash ignorant Englishman abroad.
The evening weather turned into light rain and we decided to stay in (see the wonderful staircase to our apartment) while DH made pasta and we watched some British tv on the laptop. DH got drunk on the strong Lvivskiye beer - most amusing.

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