And so I am home and getting on with stuff
The doctor said to wait until 2 weeks after transfer. This seems a long time for a 5 day transfer and I've seen several others on those invaluable forums questioning it.
The egg will have been 14 days old yesterday, which would be the conventional time to test - 14dpo. Ovulation was at an odd time for our donor as her eggs were developing early and so they were aspirated at least 2 days before schedule. Whether this would make a difference, I don't know.
I've had the usual progesterone symptoms, sore boobs, bloating, tiredness and constipation. Although the latter became the opposite when I switched from 4 x 200 cyclogest to 2 x 400. Not sure whether this could have caused tummy upsets or whether it was the change in water or whether it was DH's fault (he had a bad tum for a day). It wouldn't be considered an optimistic sign for pregnancy.
I don't feel pregnant. But I've had 3 children and 2 other pregnancies before and can say, hand on heart, that each was an enormous disbelief. I didn't get any symptoms until week 6 in any of them.
So I'm going to POAS tomorrow. It will be only 2 days away from their suggestion and 3 days past the usual, so it should be accurate either way. If it's neg I will continue with the drugs till the recommended Sat and take one more test then (but that's more about doing the right thing than any forlorn hope).
Sorry if I sound a bit negative, but I've got to the stage of the 2ww where I can't allow myself to dare to hope.
Will let you know.
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