Have finally started our journey again. It's taken a lot of emails to and fro and even more tests. But after 2 false starts (donor dropped out and then later, the new donor wasn't ready) we are now on track.
We have paid for half the tx, which came to £1,515. It would have been cheaper in dollars, but we didn't get the option. 3k is still loads cheaper than nearly anywhere else and I have only heard good things about Intersono.
Intersono sent me the protocol, which is nicely laid out in calendar form, explaining all the drugs I will need and when to use them. The donor will have her aspiration on 12/13th August and the ET will be 18th.
We have booked an apartment in Lviv (or Lvov) from the 11th to the 20th. The apartment was only £38 a day and is really lovely - not to mention right in the centre of Lviv! I am holding off the flight booking as I'm worried that it may all get cancelled - but once I know the donor is well on her way with her tx then I will book it.
I took my first injection of suprefact yesterday. I did it during the day as I wanted to make sure I got it right. I am lucky in that I have one very lovely friend who has been through Intersono (with great success) and another who is also going through ivf in this country. Both had syringes etc to spare and it meant I did not have to buy any!! I managed to get the suprefact from my surly GP, but he made me pay for it. I also got all the other drugs I needed at the same time - it all came to £70. One of my friends gave me an injection gun and it's so easy to use (once you've figured it out!!) that I would recommend it to anyone - particularly those nervous about giving themselves injections. I have a small bruise from the site, although I didn't feel anything at the time. I do bruise easily, so maybe I should go for the buttock. Intersono have not advised on any of this - so it's asking friends and looking up on the internet for most of my info. I'll give the belly one more go - God knows, there's enough flesh there!!
Will keep updating from now on, as it may well help others.
Any questions, please email me!