So! One week on suprefact and I'm feeling pretty bruised. I can't seem to find a way to stop it. I've always bruised really easily and am usually covered in them - I think I have thin veins - I know nurses taking blood or putting in drips etc can take forever and leave me looking like I've done 20 rounds with Tyson!
Ice works fairly well at numbing the site, but doesn't stop the deep blue and yellow marks the following day. Oddly, I've managed to do it twice with only tiny bruises, so it's definitely down to my technique. Last night (which has only left a small mark) I didn't squeeze the flesh so hard against the syringe gun, which probably cushioned the blow a lot more. But I have bruises over 3cm each, so I am really running out of space on the belly (not to mention looking really shocking!).
I've finally got in touch with Intersono - I needed to confirm that all is well with donor before I book any flights (which are going to cost around £900). They say the donor starts her treatment on the 30th and to wait until then.
And my period started, which although a day early is still good. When we were with Altra Vita my period started too late and the treatment was delayed for yet another month. So a day early I can live with. Will be interesting to see if they move dates forward a day, I doubt it somehow. The period combined with the suprefact has turned me into a headachey slug.
If all goes well with the donor, I start the progynova and aspirin on Sat.
Here's hoping.
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