Thursday 28 February 2008

In which P & K are at the end of the 2ww and their tether

The 2 week wait has been a nightmare. My boobs are so sore I can hardly bear to have them touched and I constantly look for any sign of bleeding or sickness. The injections are ok and K does his best with them. I so want to be pregnant, but know that it's really unlikely. Am beginning to feel that AV really did overstim our donor - so many eggs and all poor quality...unless the first one was good and stayed good...but then what about the injection that I didn't have ...and why didn't I have some strange medication that everyone else seems to have had to drink before tx...just not convinced that AV is very organised now...bleah.

Decided not to home test and so gave in sample to docs for hcg test. The hcg injections should be out of my blood stream by now. Told to ring tomorrow....

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